Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daddy bird

There's a TV show called Portlandia that I came across when someone posted a link to it on Facebook. It's pretty funny. I've only seen clips on YouTube as it hasn't been on free-to-air TV here. My favourite clip is the "Put a bird on it" one.

The other day, soon after our last date - during which we had visited a boutique store which had designer bags and other things with birds on them - DeepSpice and I were mucking about with the kids and telling them to "put a bird on it" as they kept holding up different toys and things. Anyway, after a while the kids got the idea and joined in the game, telling us to "put a bird on it" for almost every item we touched and everybody was laughing.

A few hours later, DeepSpice and Thumper were sitting together, with Thumper busily throwing things off the couch. DeepSpice kept asking her to put things back up on the couch, and they inevitably started up the good ol' "put a bird on it" banter. Suddenly Thumper came out with "Put a daddy on it", followed by a big, cheesy grin. She'd just made her first joke... and she knew it - the next thing she said was  "I'm joking".

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