Sunday, October 18, 2015

DIY fringe

Thumper modelling her new 'Brunswick' fringe. 

Well, that's another childhood 'rite of passage' to tick off... sigh. 

At least it's not the day before school photos I suppose.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dir dad

Thumper was very upset about DeepSpice leaving this morning to go off to work. In an attempt to help her calm down I suggested she could write him a note or draw him a picture during the day at school. She immediately left the room and promptly returned with a blank card that she just happened to have in her school bag. (Actually it was just an A4 page folded in quarters. No idea why it was in her bag though.)

She announced she would make him a card. Then more tears ensued while I convinced her that we didn't have time to do it right now as we needed to leave for school 10 minutes ago. 

"But I might forget!" she wailed, "and I love dad the best of all my dads and I miss him soooo much!"

I pointed out that DeepSpice is her only dad, but she corrected me:
"I have two grand-dads, but I love DeepSpice the best."

I promised her that if she forgot, she could make the card after school.
We got to school just a few minutes late, with Thumper in a much happier mood.

She did, of course, forget about it during the day at school. But as soon as we got home after school, making the card was her top priority. 

"Dear Dad. I hope you had a fun time at work. 
I missed you very much. From Thumper"

I think DeepSpice and I are doing something right.