Friday, November 09, 2012

Little grammar nazi #2

Thumper wanted a drink of milk and put her request to Gran...

Thumper: "Milk".
Gran: "Thumper, please ask politely."
So Thumper begrudgingly added: "Please."
Gran: "You need to say 'Can I have some milk?'"
Thumper, rolling her eyes then said: "May I please have some milk?"


Little grammar nazi #1

When driving somewhere with Gran and GrandPaul recently, BallFiend noticed a promo painted on the window of a local pub: ‘Kids eat free Mondays’.

Upon seeing this, BallFiend commented: “Kids should eat free everyday… but it should say ‘Kids eat free on Mondays’”.


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Wee Wee

An email from CutLuce today:
Forgot to tell you... Cuz1 said BallFiend & Thumper today... Sort of. We were talking about her cousins and she said BallFiend, but for Thumper - she said "wee wee". X
To which I responded:
Wee Wee! That's sooooo cute!
And so appropriate, seeing as Thumper has a bit of a tendency to do wee-wee all over the place at the moment, while she is toilet training. 

Saturday, November 03, 2012

A freaky-looking levitating cat

BallFiend's muse has inspired him again...

BallFiend has been invited to Zoe's birthday party tomorrow. It's a dress-up party - come as your favourite animal, real or imaginary. BallFiend is planning to go as a black cat (possibly he could be Schrödinger's Cat as this would mean he would be both real and imaginary at the same time). I'm not sure if the choice of costume is because Zoe said she likes kittens or because dressing up as a black cat is pretty much the only thing BallFiend has ever been willing to dress up as. I suspect the latter.

BallFiend's apparent willingness to dress-up was surprising enough, and then I asked him to make a birthday card for Zoe. Usually whenever I ask BallFiend to make a birthday card for someone, he begrudgingly agrees, then proceeds to 'draw' a random mess of scribbles and often all in grey-lead pencil, outright refusing to use any colour.

So I was very surprised when he readily agreed to my suggestion that he make a birthday card. He even started out by drawing something recognisable - a cat. OK, so it's an extremely freaky-looking, levitating cat, with a big, toothy grin and a bellybutton black heart with veins coming out. (It was a bellybutton at first, but then it became a heart, as is the way of six-year-olds).

Left: the back of the card, featuring a scene from Angry Birds (as you can see).
Right: the front of the card - a black cat with the heart and veins clearly shown.
In the sky is a bird (of course!), done in a Picasso-esque style: partly in profile and partly as seen from above. 
And I was even more surprised when BallFiend readily agreed to write inside the card, without his usual stream of complaints about it being too hard and boring... although he did copy most of the words from an old xmas card that he had found inside a book the other day (which is why he has used a double-story letter "a").

The inside of the card.
I now look forward to being surprised a third time tomorrow, when it is time to get ready for the party. Given BallFiend's usual reluctance to dress up, at all, ever, I will be amazed if he does actually agree to dress-up.