Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Solving the world's energy crisis

Discussing climate change over dinner. Kids came up with the following solutions for transportation:

BallFiend - a car powered by shredded paper.
Thumper - a car with panda legs, or actually a car with cheetah legs.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The great crust turn-around

My kids never eat their bread-crusts. Until two days ago, that is. It was Sunday night and we were all out of bread. Neither DeepSpice or I were keen to do a run to the shops through the pissing rain. So I dusted off the bread machine to make a loaf. BallFiend got all excited and wanted to help.

We put all the ingredients into the pan and were ready to add the final ingredient: the yeast. I opened the yeast tin and discovered it only had one teaspoon left.  Our recipe required two. So it was either go to the shops in the pissing rain anyway, or compromise. I decided to try adding baking powder.

The result was (not surprisingly) a very dense loaf. But it did rise. It also had very distinct, dark crusts.

BallFiend upon tasting the bread declared it to be "The best bread ever!" and that the crusts "are the best part of the bread".

Go figure.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Eating like a dog

Ballfiend: The government should set up a competition where parents have to train their children to eat like dogs.


Friday, June 14, 2013

That's shit

What's worse than a 5 am wake up call to attend your pre-schooler's wet bed?
Finding out that it's not just wet.

What's worse than finding out that 'it's not just wet'?
Finding out by stepping on something squishy that sticks to your slipper. (Thank fuck I was wearing slippers!)

What's worse than stepping on something squishy that sticks to your slipper?
Not realising there is shit on your slipper until you have taken three steps across the room.

Thanks for that Thumper. Thanks a whole lot.

Monday, June 10, 2013

An alien with flowers for hands

BallFiend came home from a day with Gran and GrandPaul with this rather interesting drawing:

He said it is an alien with flowers for hands and sickles for feet (although he later revised this to 'crescent moons for feet'). The cross-section of the head illustrates how it's eyes and mouth connect to the brain.

The text to the right reads: "separate from rest of body, but glued back on"- it is a legend to explain what the little bumpy line symbol refers to.

Just for good measure, the drawing also includes a ball bouncing down some stairs... a signature of the artist one might conclude. 

Now, I'm not sure what has inspired BallFiend to draw a semi-cyberpunk / semi-aboriginal x-ray art / Davros-ish alien with flowery hands and moon/sickle feet, nor what gave him the idea that a separated head can be glued back on to a body. But I can honestly say that he has never ever licked the lead paint on the doors in our house.


Thursday, June 06, 2013

Today's whinge

"Mummy, I don't like my porridge in a circle. I like it in a different shape, like a triangle or a square."
- Thumper


Monday, June 03, 2013

Mud bridge

BallFiend and his friend Axel worked on this project for "all of recess and lunch time".

I worked in the laundry all of the evening getting the mud out of his clothes.