Saturday, March 30, 2013

Persistence pays off

BallFiend: Thumper, come here.

Thumper: no

BallFiend: Thumper, come here.

Thumper: no

BallFiend: Thumper, come here. I have a secret to tell you.

Thumper: no

BallFiend: Thumper, come here. I have a secret to tell you.


BallFiend: Thumper, come here.


BallFiend: Thumper, come here.

Thumper: No.


BallFiend: Thumper, come HERE!

Thumper: No.


Thumper: NO!

BallFiend: Thumper, come here. I have a secret to tell you.

Thumper: I’m busy collecting things.

Ballfiend: Oh. OK.


BallFiend: Thumper, come here. I have a secret to tell you. It’s really funny.

Thumper (cheerily): OK!

Thumper trots up the hallway to the bedroom.

Thumper (giggling): Wow! That’s fantastic!


Monday, March 25, 2013

The funniest thing...

Thumper: I know the funniest thing in the world.

BallFiend: What?

Thumper: Penis.

Both kids chuckle for a moment, then fall silent.

BallFiend: That’s not the funniest thing in the world.


Friday, March 22, 2013

What off button?

Thumper: Mummy when will you be finished on the com-PEW-ta?

Me (murmuring absent-mindedly): Oh, probably never…

Thumper: Well, Mummy, there’s an off button on the com-PEW-ta.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Boring old playschool

Overheard this morning while the kids were watching TV - Playschool had just started.

Thumper, in her best whiney voice: "Oh, I'm bored of this!"
BallFiend: "But this is good! Because the ball of playdough rolls down and hits him and he goes bonk and lands on a drum."

I watch as BallFiend narrates over the opening titles, and indeed, a ball is balanced on a stack of books, then it rolls off, bumps into Humpty Dumpty, who topples over and lands upright again on a toy drum.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Claude's corn

Usually when I ask BallFiend to tell me what happened at school today, I get one of two responses: 'I don't know' or 'I forgot'. Getting any info out of him is pretty much futile... even long and involved police-grade interview sessions elicit only the most scant of details*.

So during dinner tonight, DeepSpice and I were amazed when BallFiend, completely unprompted, started telling us about an incident that happened at after school care. It was also pretty gross.

"At aftercare today, Claude... he was sitting on the bench thing and he spewed and he didn't have one of those little plastic bags so he had to spew on the floor."

"Poor Claude," I sympathised, "what made him spew?"

"I don't know," replied BallFiend, "but there was lots of corn in it. Then the teachers came and put kitty litter all over it. What is kitty litter made of and why did they put it on the spew?"

Nice of BallFiend to be so forthcoming for a change. Pity about the timing. At least we weren't having corn for dinner I suppose.

*However, a few months ago, I worked out a fantastic technique that is guaranteed to get results to the eternal 'what did you do at school today?' question. As soon as I can get around to it, I'm going to put it into a book and DVD and sell it to parents everywhere and make billions!