Saturday, July 02, 2011

Night terrors

I just found this in an email I sent to VolubleK on 6 April 2007 when BallFiend was 8 months old. Really glad his (and Thumper's) sleeping patterns are much better these days. (At least, mostly much better. I have probably just jinxed myself by writing this post!)
BallFiend appears to have permanently given up sleep. Last night went like this: 
7.15 pm - bed, asleep by 7.30 pm. So far, so good.
11.15 pm - wakes up
11.20 pm - DeepSpice attempts to resettle him to no avail.
11.30 pm - breastfeed (I assume he is hungry as he didn't feed that well at 7pm, and wouldn't eat much by way of solids for dinner at 5pm)
12.00 am - resettled back in cot
1.15 am - still screaming, non-stop since 12.00 am
1.20 am - breastfeed again, this time in our bed.
1.50 am - Finally falls asleep... at breast but I don't care!
2.15 am - wakes and cries a bit. Shove the dummy in.
2.20 am - asleep again
4.10 am - wakes up and cries a lot
4.15 am - shove the breast in, since the dummy didn't work
4.30 am - BallFiend finishes feeding, starts giggling. I prod DeepSpice and make him put BallFiend in his cot. Silence - presumed asleep
6.45 am - wakes up, talking to himself in the cot
7.20 am - grizzling now, so I get him up, feed him and then give him his porridge for breakfast.
No idea what has gotten into him. I am not happy. Though he seemed to be! A bit tired looking this morning, but cheerful and playful as ever.  And when I put him to bed for his morning nap at 9 am, he went off to sleep with no complaints, just like usual.  grrrr.
Yours truly... with a yawn,

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