Thursday, August 08, 2013

A second century for me?

"Mum, did you know there's the weeniest, teeniest chance that you will be the first one to turn two hundred years old!"
- BallFiend


Monday, August 05, 2013

Just a typical bath time

"You penis is pooing! You penis is weeing!" - Thumper

"Stop it! She's sticking her foot into my bottom!" - BallFiend

"I'm pooing my pants!" - Thumper

"Look! A hot cross bun! It's a bun that is cross." - Thumper

"Thumper want to sit on my feet." - BallFiend

"I'm cold... I'm bum." - BallFiend

"Mr Bum-Bum-Face. Ha!" - BallFiend

"I am Mr Bum-Bum-Face." - Thumper

"I'm a piece of poo." - BallFiend

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Not grumpy...

"That dog looks very grumptious."
- Thumper, as we walked past a bulldog (or maybe it was a boxer? I don't know dog breeds too well) tied up outside the school gate this morning.
