Saturday, May 25, 2013

Quick, hide!

BallFiend and Thumper were watching the Octonauts. In this episode, some cute-sy looking Octonauts go into a cave that turns out to be a cute-sy looking whale shark.

Thumper: Oh no! I'm scared!

BallFiend (in a very matter of fact voice): Well, get behind the couch then."

Moments later, BallFiend gets scared too and joins Thumper behind the couch.

Little heads pop up from behind the couch every now and then, eyes peeping through parted fingers. There's much whimpering (but not enough to drown out the vigourous protestations when I suggest that I could just turn the TV off).

Eventually they emerge from behind the couch and watch a bit more of the show. Until the next scary bit.

BallFiend: "Quick, back behind the couch!"


Thursday, May 23, 2013


"A singlish is a thing to hold your breasts still."
- says Thumper, confusing a singlet and a bra and quite possible the language that we all claim to speak.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Can you see the whale?

At breakfast, Thumper suddenly called out, "Look, a whale!".

BallFiend rushed over to look and the two of them admired the whale.
"Two eyes here. A nose," she points out, "and a squirter!"

I went over and looked too... but I just couldn't see the whale.
