Monday, September 08, 2003

Conan Doyle

A reminder to myself... am interested in reading literary criticisms of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories.

Some sites to follow up on:

What is a Swamp...

When I think of a swamp, I think of a muddy space in the middle of nowhere... dark and forbidding (sort of like this). The sort of place you have to walk through to visit the haunted house in a Kthulhu story or to venture through during a fanasty adventure. So, a swamp is a place that is not very inviting and (unfortunately) in modern times is likely to be a dumping ground for junk and rubbish.

But a swamp is ecologically significant... it's a place where organic matter breaks down and re-enters the cycle as nutrients for other organisms. A swamp is home to all sorts of creatures that lead separate but intertwined existences; mutually co-dependant. It is an important place where new things (ideas) can be generated, on the foundations created by the old things (ideas) breaking down.

So this is my swamp, on the Web... where I can explore subjects (topics) as they take my fancy. Now, just have to wait and see what emerges from my swamp!