Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The great crust turn-around

My kids never eat their bread-crusts. Until two days ago, that is. It was Sunday night and we were all out of bread. Neither DeepSpice or I were keen to do a run to the shops through the pissing rain. So I dusted off the bread machine to make a loaf. BallFiend got all excited and wanted to help.

We put all the ingredients into the pan and were ready to add the final ingredient: the yeast. I opened the yeast tin and discovered it only had one teaspoon left.  Our recipe required two. So it was either go to the shops in the pissing rain anyway, or compromise. I decided to try adding baking powder.

The result was (not surprisingly) a very dense loaf. But it did rise. It also had very distinct, dark crusts.

BallFiend upon tasting the bread declared it to be "The best bread ever!" and that the crusts "are the best part of the bread".

Go figure.


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