Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I want a holiday

It's been a whole year since we last had a holiday and I really, really, really want another one. Time to get into planning mode. But there's a few logistical issues to contend with: last time we holidayed, Thumper was on the inside. Now she's a squirming, wriggling, commando-crawling baby with a toddler-sized attitude. Also, we barely managed to pack all the stuff needed for two adults and one 2.5 year old boy into our car. No idea how to fit even more stuff, now that there is an extra person in the mix, even if she is only 2 feet tall! Then there's the cost - the family income is somewhat depleted since I have been on maternity leave. Fortunately, most places that accommodate kids don't tend to charge for them to stay. Unfortunately if you want a kids-stay-free type of deal, we all have to sleep in the same room. And quite frankly, BallFiend snores! Plus if the kids are asleep in the same room, we would have to creep around all evening before going to bed ourselves. Not much fun.

So I'm trying to decide what sort of holiday to have, where to go, and how to get there. Drive or fly? Self-contained and self-catering or a hotel where we always eat out? Local, interstate or international?

I don't really want the hassle of flying, especially international - organising passports, delays at airports, kids vomiting on planes, taxis, currency exchange, etc. So maybe a road trip is the answer. That way the kids just vomit in our car instead. But there are some really great deals on international holidays to south pacific resorts... maybe it is worth the pain of getting there?

I usually prefer self-contained accommodation so we can self-cater. But right now I would love a holiday from the drudgery of cooking and cleaning. (I desperately want a holiday from the witching hour - if only a magic fairy would appear and do the 5.00 - 8.00 pm shift and get the kids fed dinner and into bed!) So a resort style holiday with all meals included would help somewhat. Although, with two kids, eating out isn't restful either - we constantly have to be on guard about BallFiend's behaviour, and to a lesser extend Thumper's.

I kind of like the idea of a Club Med style thing where everything is provided: no cooking, no cleaning, no planning activities for BallFiend. But apparently the resort at Lindeman Island is really run-down. And getting there involves a plane and a boat ride at the very least.

Another place I've been considering is the RACV resort at Inverloch. Sounds quite good, but no kids club, so we would have the pleasure of BallFiend and Thumper's company all day everyday.

And where-ever we go, there's all the hassle of packing and unpacking. I feel exhausted just thinking about it. Maybe we just stay home, hire a nanny/chef/housekeeper and relax as best we can.

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