Thursday, December 24, 2015

An observation

"A human who is alive should be called an undead zombie."
- Thumper


Sunday, October 18, 2015

DIY fringe

Thumper modelling her new 'Brunswick' fringe. 

Well, that's another childhood 'rite of passage' to tick off... sigh. 

At least it's not the day before school photos I suppose.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dir dad

Thumper was very upset about DeepSpice leaving this morning to go off to work. In an attempt to help her calm down I suggested she could write him a note or draw him a picture during the day at school. She immediately left the room and promptly returned with a blank card that she just happened to have in her school bag. (Actually it was just an A4 page folded in quarters. No idea why it was in her bag though.)

She announced she would make him a card. Then more tears ensued while I convinced her that we didn't have time to do it right now as we needed to leave for school 10 minutes ago. 

"But I might forget!" she wailed, "and I love dad the best of all my dads and I miss him soooo much!"

I pointed out that DeepSpice is her only dad, but she corrected me:
"I have two grand-dads, but I love DeepSpice the best."

I promised her that if she forgot, she could make the card after school.
We got to school just a few minutes late, with Thumper in a much happier mood.

She did, of course, forget about it during the day at school. But as soon as we got home after school, making the card was her top priority. 

"Dear Dad. I hope you had a fun time at work. 
I missed you very much. From Thumper"

I think DeepSpice and I are doing something right.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Thumper: "Dad, I know the difference between suffocating and drowning."

And she went on to give a very accurate and descriptive explanation. Macabre little freak. 


Monday, July 06, 2015


"Dad, how come your eyes are apart but you can see things together?"
- Thumper


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

About Mum

There is a thing that's been going around on Facebook recently where you ask you kid(s) a bunch of questions about their mum. So here's how mine responded...

What is something Mum always says to you?
Thumper (age 5 yrs, 9 mths): I love you.
BallFiend (age 8 yrs, 10 mths): I love you.

What makes Mum happy?
T: Being nice. Chocolate.
B: Me.

What makes Mum sad?
T: When I get angry at you... like you feel a bit, like, embarrassed.
B: Me being stupid and annoying and disobedient.

How does Mum make you laugh?
T: Say funny stuff.
B: Tell jokes.

What was Mum like as a child?
T: Little.
B: I don't know.

How old is Mum?
T: Fourteen.
B: Forty.

How tall is Mum?
T: About as tall as the door [whilst pointing to the door].
B: About a metre and a half.

What is Mum's favourite thing to do?
T: iPad... play the fishy-lolly game. [That'd be Candy Crush Saga.]
B: Probably be happy.

What does Mum do when you're not here?
T: Go out... ABA meeting. Cheekily, sneakily go out.
B: Usually, if I am not here... something like work.

[I think they both missed the part of the question 'when you're not here'!]

If Mum became famous what would it be for?
T: Getting lots of money.
B: How well you cook stuff. You cook really good bread and cakes and stuff.

What is Mum good at?
T: Yoga, 'cause you've done it lots of times.
B: Cooking 'cause of your good cooking skills 'cause you make really good food.

What is Mum not good at?
T: Trying to hide in small places 'cause you're quite big.
B: Playing Minecraft 'cause you've only played it about once.

What is Mum's job?
T: Work... going to work. To get money. Work on computers.
B: Umm... I don't know. Doing phone calls and stuff I guess.

What makes you proud of Mum?
T: You're very brave.
B: That you love me.

What's Mum's favourite food?
T: Ice cream.
B: Chocolate.

[Chocolate is the correct answer.]

What do you and Mum do together?
T: Go out places... the animals, the zoo.
B: Happy, fun stuff... Go to school together. Ride bikes together. Go to Phillip Island.

[Umm, no Thumper, we haven't been to the zoo in well over a year. We did however just return from a long weekend at Phillip Island today.]

How are you and Mum the same?
T: We have both got light skin.
B: Probably that we sort of, like, have the same colour skin. 

How are you and Mum different?
T: We don't have the same hair colour.
B: You don't play Minecraft very much and I play it quite a lot. Also different clothes. Girl and boy... so basically male and female.

If your Mum was a cartoon character who would she be?
T: Pikachu.
B: Road Runner

[Huh? Huh!?]

How do you know Mum loves you?
T: 'Cause you say it all the time.
B: Because you say it. 

What does Mum like best about Dad?
T: He's sometimes kind to you.
B: That he loves you. 

[Thumper, 'sometimes' is a bit of an understatement!]

Where is Mum's favourite place to go?
T: Movies.
B: Home.

[BallFiend is correct. Thumper is way off - I hardly ever go to the movies - definitely not a favourite place to go.]

How old was Mum when she had you?
T: Ten.
B: [after a few minutes pause while doing some calculations on his fingers/in his head] 33 or 32.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sarcastic things

BallFiend: What's for dinner, Mum?

Me: Things on a plate.

BallFiend: That's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very... informative.

Me: That's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sarcastic.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Mother's day card, 2015, showing Thumper's developing writing skills during her first year at school. (Photos taken February 2016).

I love mummy
I love mummy

Mummy is [cro]
of mum
[be y] awesome
hooray hooray
hooray hooray
hooray hooray


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Carrot sticks

"Thumper, did you say you are a carrot-eating twig, or a twig-eating carrot?"
- BallFiend


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mind-body connection

"How can your brain trick your body when your brain is part of your body?"
- Thumper

Thumper asked this question the day after we had been to the supermarket and BallFiend had walked past tubs of peanut butter on the shelf. He started coughing and said he thought he was having an allergic reaction (he is actually allergic to peanuts). I explained how our brains can think that something is happening in our bodies and that can cause the feeling that it is happening. Obviously Thumper was listening carefully at the time.