Friday, March 30, 2012

Flying turtles

A guest post from DeepSpice who overheard this on the way to school/creche today...
BallFiend: The mosquito flew out [of the car]!
Thumper: Mosquitoes don't have wings!
BallFiend: Yes they do - tiny ones.
Thumper: Not big wings like turtles! 
Tonight, I was reliably informed by Thumper that turtles have "flappers". When I corrected her and suggested "flippers" might be what she meant, she asserted that "no, they have flappers!" Apparently, after the above conversation on the way to school, BallFiend explained some turtle-anatomy to Thumper. She then told me that penguins have flappers too.

So now you know.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dirty words

"But I like being dirty Mum! Don’t you like my dirtiness?"
- Thumper, after smearing the middle of her cheese-and-vegemite sandwich all over her face and hands, then rubbing the bread into crumbs and scattering them all over the floor. 

As annoyed as I was with the mess, I was impressed with her grammar.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The washing-folding experience

Scene: DeepSpice and Stompy are folding washing whilst watching TV. A pile of folded washing is gradually growing larger in the middle of the couch.

DeepSpice holds up a quilt cover cover.

DeepSpice: Please hold this.

The doona cover brushes against the pile of folded washing. A pair of Stompy's socks falls to the floor.

Stompy: You just knocked my socks off.

It had to be said.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Engineering the situation

Thumper went over to the duplo tower that BallFiend had built sometime earlier. She picked it up and smashed it into a zillion pieces. Then she started building a new tower, whilst thinking aloud:
BallFiend's going to be upset I broke his tower.
I'll say 'Sorry it was an accident.'
And I'll say 'I'm fixing your tower for you.'
And BallFiend will say 'Thank you'.
Luckily BallFiend wasn't around when this happened and didn't even notice the destruction and rebuilding of his tower.

In Thumper's defence, I feel it necessary to point out that the duplo was given to Thumper for her second birthday by Gran and GrandPaul

Saturday, March 03, 2012


Thumper: "Purple matches your eyebrows."
Me: Why?
Thumper: "Because your eyebrows are pink."